TEL Staffing & HR Blog

Are Your PEO Fees Too High?

Written by TEL | May 2024

HR outsourcing through entities such as PEOs is designed to lower costs and save your business money. However, not all PEOs and HR partners live up to this promise. If you’re questioning whether the fees you’re paying are justified, it might be time to reassess your partnership.

A great HR partner is trustworthy and transparent about their charges, ensuring you understand and agree with the rates and will be happy to discuss any changes.

In this post, we will help you determine whether your PEO fees are too high and how to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

Understanding Your PEO Fees

To determine if your PEO fees are too high, it's essential to understand what you're being charged for. PEOs typically charge for their services in one of two ways—a flat-rate fee or a percentage of payroll. These fees cover the business expenses associated with the HR services provided to your company. Ideally, your HR partner should save you both time and money by streamlining operations and making your benefits more cost-effective.

Here are some common types of PEO fees:

  • Setup Fees: These include the initial cost of getting started with a PEO.
  • Ongoing Service Fees: Regular charges for the continuous HR services provided.
  • Per-Employee or Per-Transaction Fees: Costs vary depending on the number of employees or specific transactions processed, typically for payroll and benefits specific to each employee.
  • Training Fees: Charges for any training provided to your staff.

These fees allow the PEO to contribute their services and help your business. However, knowing what costs you’re contributing to helps ensure you get what you pay for and receive the support you need to run your business.

Pay Only for the Services You Need

One way to ensure you’re not overpaying for PEO services is to customize the offerings based on your actual needs. For example, TEL allows clients to tailor their service packages so they only pay for what they use regularly. This approach helps save costs because you’re not paying extra for services you don’t need.

However, it's also important to remember that you often get what you pay for when it comes to HR services. While cutting costs by minimizing services might be tempting, paying for quality expertise ensures your business receives the best possible support, which can be a crucial investment in the long run. Paying a premium to get quality support helps you streamline HR operations so that they contribute to your profits – while also ensuring you don’t have to pay fees or damage your reputation.

Grow Your Business with a Trustworthy HR Partner

A trustworthy HR partner is transparent. Their openness indicates that the HR partner values your business and is committed to helping you grow. They should share their fee structure openly and walk you through each charge to ensure you understand what you're paying for – which builds trust and ensures that every dollar spent goes toward your company’s growth and operational efficiency.

If your PEO fees seem too high, it’s worth digging deeper to understand what you’re being charged for and why.

Focusing on the value and transparency of your PEO relationship can help you make informed decisions that support your business’s financial health and growth. If you are dissatisfied with your current PEO, take the time to evaluate your options and consider partners who are committed to transparency and your business's success.